5 Facts About the Georgia Runoff Elections


Vote Sign (Photo: Wake Forest Law Review)

The 2020 general election may be over but many are looking at Georgia to determine who controls the Senate. There are two Senate seats up for grabs.

5 facts to keep in mind during the Georgia runoff elections:

  1. What is a runoff election? According to The New York Times, it is “essentially a rematch that is held when none of the candidates meet the criteria for winning.”
  2. If you are a 17 year old in Georgia but will turn 18 by January 5th, you are eligible to register to vote.
  3. If Reverend Raphael Warnock wins, he will be Georgia’s first Black Senator.
  4. If Republicans can win one seat, they will keep the Senate majority, if Democrats win both seats, they will control not just the Senate but all Congress.
  5. The official run-off election day is January 5th.

A very important reminder to those who are eligible to vote in Georgia — today is the deadline to register if you want your voice heard in the upcoming elections!

To learn more about the Georgia runoff elections, read this!

(Contributed by Jen Zavala, Multimedia Content Creator, VotingSmarter)



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The Impartial - A VotingSmarter & Shoppyist Blog

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