Company Profile Series: Apple

As a company of immense influence on the tech world, Apple also plays a large role in affairs both foreign and domestic. Although the company does not donate to candidates or parties, in 2019, Apple spent over $7 million in lobbying efforts that focused on the rights of big tech companies, fair treatment for immigrants, and free trade with China. Additionally, Apple takes part in many organizations, including Americans for Free Trade Coalition and the Business Roundtable.

Since 2011, Apple has donated several hundred million dollars to various educational and environmental initiatives, such as hurricane relief, wildfire recovery efforts, flood relief in China and educational grants for minority students.

Here are Apple’s opinions on a few of VotingSmarter’s key issues:


Apple says that it is responsible for 2.4 million US jobs, and estimates it will contribute $350 billion to the US economy by 2023.

Climate Change:

Climate change is a defining issue of our time. Apple’s goal in reducing their carbon footprint is to transition their products to be carbon neutral by 2030.


At Apple, every employee is unique in their own way, and that is their greatest strength. They draw on the differences in who each employee is, what they’ve experienced, and how they think. Because Apple creates products consumed worldwide, they believe in including everyone.

53% of new hires in the U.S. are from historically underrepresented groups in tech. Apple has also achieved pay equity in every country in which they operate, meaning women earn the same as men when performing similar work.


Apple has been part of the ConnectED initiative since 2014, pledging $100 million of teaching and learning solutions to 114 underserved schools across the country. Apple believes that everyone deserves an education.

Interested in learning about the political stances of more companies? Follow the VotingSmarter blog and be the first to know about the next company profile in this series.


(Contributed by Megan Johnson, Marketing Intern at VotingSmarter)



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The Impartial - A VotingSmarter & Shoppyist Blog

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