Happy Election Day from the VotingSmarter Team!

(Photo: Newsweek)

Election Day is finally here, the last day to cast your vote in one of the most consequential elections in decades!

Top of mind for every voter is the presidential election, where Donald Trump and Joe Biden are battling it out to occupy the Oval Office for the next four years. However, there’s more on the ballot than just who gets to be president.

There are also important federal positions up for grabs too — thirty four seats in the U.S. Senate are up for grabs this year, as is every seat in the House of Representatives.

On the state level, there are also important elected positions on the ballot, most notably eleven governors.

Almost 100 million people have already voted across the country via mail-in ballots or early voting opportunities, but it is not too late to cast your vote!

If you are still struggling to decide who to vote for, or haven’t had the time to research the candidates on your ballot, don’t count yourself out in this election — VotingSmarter has your back!

Download our iOS app or go to our website to take our #CandidateMatchmaker quiz and find out which candidates most align with your views and values. Armed with this knowledge, you can go to the polls feeling confident in your vote.

We here at VotingSmarter hope you have a fun, safe, and informed Election Day!



The Impartial - A VotingSmarter & Shoppyist Blog
The Impartial - A VotingSmarter & Shoppyist Blog

Written by The Impartial - A VotingSmarter & Shoppyist Blog

We're your unbiased "omnipolitical" resource. We've partnered with Shoppyist to make every day Election Day with their shopping app. http://tosto.re/shoppyist

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